Healthcare Surrogate Designation
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Healthcare Surrogate

Before October 1, 2015, a Healthcare Surrogate Designation allowed a person of your choosing to act on your behalf in making health care decisions for you during any period of incapacity, even in a temporary situation, such as after an automobile accident. The document allows the surrogate to receive medical information, consult with healthcare providers, and make the decisions that you would have made for yourself during periods of incapacity.
Pursuant to a change in Florida law effective October 1, 2015, a Healthcare Surrogate Designation now may become effective upon the signing of the document. This allows the surrogate of your choosing to receive important medical information at any time – even if you are not incapacitated.
Gulf Beaches Law, P.A. will discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of pre-and post-October 1, 2015 approaches to the Healthcare Surrogate Designation and help you to decide which document is best suited to your needs.
Without a Healthcare Surrogate Designation, healthcare providers may refuse to provide even basic information to family members and even spouses under the comprehensive HIPPA laws.
Gulf Beaches Law, P.A. can help you create a Health Care Surrogate Designation that suits your individual needs and wishes.